Sunday, December 13, 2015

Paleo Takeout's Larb

Larb, a weird unappetising name for a dish but don't discount it yet! An Laotian/Thai dish that is pretty much a mince/ground beef salad with a lime and fish sauce dressing. This recipe caught my eye as it combined some familiar Vietnamese ingredients that I was used to cooling with but nothing I had really eaten before. A great one to test for my firsy Yay or Nay recipe.


Yay or Nay: Yay  

Meaty and fragrant with a hit of spice! The lime really balances out the heat and definitely take the time to prep the toasted rice, it gave an unusual but moreish dimension to the dish!
Let me know if there are any recipes you want to try! 

First post!!

There's nothing better than sitting down to a delicious meal right? Especially if you've slaved over a hot stove in order to get to that meal. However, there's also nothing worse than slaving over said stove only to be massively disappointed in what you've made. Whether that was because of the recipe, certain ingredients or your own experimental flourish! I hope with this blog that I can wheedle out the recipes that are easy, fast and tasty so you don't have to!