Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A Modern Way To Cook's Rhubarb, Apple and Maple Pan Crumble

I feel like I know of A Modern Way To Cook's author Anna Jones. Not in a, she's my mate, kind of way but more like she is on my consciousness for some reason. Rambling aside, I picked up this cookbook at my local library and after a quick flick through I figured this would be a good place to start after my hiatus.

Anna Jones' recipe is similar to one I've made by Deliciously Ella however the idea is to cook the 'crumble' in a pan rather than bake in the oven.

Yay or Nay: Yay

This was definitely easier and quicker than an oven version. It was delicious as you can tell as there is no end picture. Unfortunately, it is a running theme on this blog, if it doesn't have a result picture it either means it was eaten immediately OR took too long to make and I couldn't be bothered to take a picture! Luckily, this was on the yummy side!

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