Saturday, December 17, 2016

Pieminster's Steak and Ale 'Moo 2' Pie (via The Telegraph newspaper)

Whenever the weather gets colder, I always have a hankering for a good ol' fashioned pie. Not a sweet one, not a weird pot pie but a proper shortcrust or puff pastry pie with a yummy, warming filling. Nothing beats steak and ale pie, unless it's a steak and Guinness one but when you can find a single can/bottle of it then an ale will do!

I usually make my crust via Jamie Oliver's recipe but the filling was from UK newspaper The Telegraph. They managed to convince Pieminster (one of the best proper pies around in the UK) to give up their recipe for Moo 2 Pie! 

Yay or Nay: Yay

Although this took over 3 hours to make start to finish, it was worth it! Rich and comforting in the snowy weather, there wasn't much to fault it apart from the time it took! I took out the carrot once I had to put together the pie, I didn't add the squeeze of lemon as I didn't have any and I didn't glaze the pie with an egg wash as I didn't want to waste any more time! I was hungry, it was time to eat!! 

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