Friday, June 16, 2017

Bangkok's Satay

I can't actually claim that this is the actual recipe word for word from the cookbook Bangkok, although the element of it is there. There are a million (don't quote me on this!) recipes out there for satay but I figured this being a traditional Thai cookbook, it should be the real deal!

I wasn't overly enamoured by the beef tenderloin with Thai basil recipe but I wanted to give another recipe a try. I had left-over chicken from making stock, so I wanted to use the marinade as a salad dressing and combine it all together!

Yay or Nay: Yay

I'm glad I gave another recipe a chance, this was unexpectedly good and it worked really well as a salad. The cumin was a surprise element in Thai cooking, the sweetness of condensed milk with the nuttiness of coconut cream gave a deeper flavour, also, using real peanuts instead of peanut butter converted me!

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