Sunday, February 21, 2016

BBC Good Food's Raspberry Bakewell Pie

While back in London, I definitely had the nostalgic feeling for a good ol' British Afternoon Tea. So I enticed an old work colleague to go to Browns to have a spot of tea and cake. We tucked into scones with clotted cream and jam, salted caramel profiteroles, lemon curd bars, red velvet cake and let's not forget the sandwiches; salmon and cream cheese, egg salad and traditional cucumber! As nice as it was, I was looking for something more classically British which meant I had to bake something myself once I got back to the U.S.

When I saw the Raspberry Bakewell Cake I was definitely excited to make it, I mean, it ticked the boxes of a tart berry combined with a sweet sponge. Plus Bakewells and almond slices are some of my faves - especially the Mr Kipling variety!

Yay or Nay: Yay

As you can probably tell from the picture, it looks a little dry (it has been laying out for a day or two!). Despite the fact that I overbaked it, it was still pretty tasty. The tartness of the raspberry works well with the almond and not-so-sweet sponge. Perfect for afternoon tea!

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