Friday, October 28, 2016

Maangchi's Dakdoritang (Spicy Chicken Stew)

Having left over chicken in mind, I was trying to think of a tasty recipe to use them up. I didn't want anything soup based as we were having Pho most of the week. We wanted something spicy and, lo and behold, I remembered this recipe from my friend's Korean wife. I can't recall how she made it so relying on fail-safe Maangchi's Korean recipes I knew it wouldn't be far off.

This goes under several names dakdoritang or dakbokkeumtang but it is pretty much a spicy chicken stew which has enough heat to warm you up in the colder months. You definitely need this with rice to temper the heat of the chicken!

Yay or Nay: Yay

I mean, I knew this already going in but just for the sake of the blog! I did opt out of adding the extra spicy/chili pepper as I didn't want to overdo the spiciness. I felt like there was enough heat for me, however if you like really spicy then feel free to add at your own risk!

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