Sunday, October 9, 2016

Wegman's Pork Chops with Sauerkraut and Apples

It's officially Autumn! The tress are turning in colour, the temperature has dropped, the mornings are dark again and the rain hasn't stopped - even though this is more of a Spring feature! All the cookery shows are making apples the highlight of their recipes so when I saw this in the Wegmans (grocery food chain here in NY, not disimilar to Tesco or Sainsburys) I knew I wanted to try Pork Chops with Sauerkraut and Apples.

If you've ever had a rueben or tasted sauerkraut, you know that its sour, fermented taste is delicious. The recipe also included pork chops and we hadn't had those in a while so it made sense for a weekday dinner. 

Yay or Nay: Yay

I thought I would like this, then while making it I didn't think I would, and then once I sat down with the finished meal I swayed back to liking this. The apples and sourness of the sauerkraut complement the meaty pork. A quick and easy mid-week dinner (that ended up being pushed to the weekend!).

Tip: I would rinse the sauerkraut before cooking next time to take away some of the tang!

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