Sunday, November 6, 2016

Donna Hay's Lamingtons

I can't recall when I first came across lamingtons, it wasn't when I travelled to Sydney, it wasn't when I made friends with Aussies nor was it when it was Australia Day! It kind of came into my consciousness and then I saw them in unlikely spots like browsing through London's Borough Market. What's not to like, coconut, chocolate icing and a victoria sponge-like inside!

When I last went back to London, I somehow craved these as a co-worker (an Aussie) posted her home-made lamingtons on facebook. After searching all the local artisan/farmer's markets I found a version at Crosstown Donuts, however they were in donut form as opposed to the traditional squares - either way it was delicious!

Donna Hay is an Australian a cookbook author and I came across her books years ago so I know I can rely on her for simple, straight forward recipes. 

Yay or Nay: Nay

So much time spent but not much in return!! I was so disappointed in this recipe as so many things did not turn out how I expected. I only halved some ingredients yet it yielded waaaay less or waaay more than I needed. The batter was anemic looking, the icing was too runny, the coconut messy and complicated and the mess! The MESS! Not worth making again, I will be buying them instead or do without them unless I really really really want them.

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