Wednesday, March 23, 2016

I Heart Nap Time's Roasted Parmesan Carrots

Another up-the-veggie quota recipe, I originally wanted to make celeriac fries from a recipe online but I couldn't find any. I'm pretty sure it is out of season so I had a backup plan in the shape of carrot fries. Now, I know sweet potato fries are usually the plan B option, but the Hubby DOES NOT LIKE sweet potatoes. Boo. I do know he likes carrots though so these Roasted Parmesan Carrots were worth a try...

Yay or Nay: Yay

Even though they look Nay, they were a yay after all. So it turned out that the Hubby doesn't like cooked carrots as they remind him of sweet potatoes and in turn I did have to give him a portion of raw carrots instead. The prep was easy enough, I put everything in a bag, gave it a shake and hey pesto! The only complaint was that the crumb didn't quite stick to the carrots but that may be down to the frugal amount of oil I was using. Also, the crumb cooked before the carrots so they were erring on the side of still being raw. On the plus side, the Hubby did like them after all as they had a bit of a bite to them. Result!

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