Sunday, July 24, 2016

Pure Delicious' Taco Salad

Working at a library has its pros, you can spot new books and grab 'em to check out! I always thought that you'd have all day to flick through books but I hardly have time at all! When I see a cookbook I'm all over it! 

Pure Delicious caught my eye as it was a cookbook that specialised in dairy/nut/allergy/gluten free meals. The book is by a blogger called Heather Christo whose family has various allergies so she has been cooking meals that suit their needs. As I am always looking for alternatives so I figured what harm could it do to browse at home? The only danger is wanting to cook most of the meals! 

Apparently, taco salad is just taco meat slopped on tortilla chips with cheese, lettuce and salsa. That didn't put me off as Heather's version was a healthy Mexican meal worth a try.

Yay or Nay: Yay

O.M.G. This is my new favourite meal to make. I mean the sauce, the sauce...It truly is the bomb, the mix of fresh crunchy veggies, salty chips, spicy meat with the zingy sweetness of the sauce to cut through it, is a mouthful of heaven! This version is available in the book but here are some other versions on her site.

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