Sunday, January 17, 2016

Pinch of Yum's Spicy Cauiflower Burgers

Every now and then I'll go onto Pinch of Yum's site to see if there's any recipe I'd like to try. I've tried a couple and they've turned out pretty well. The photo's and styling are always beautiful and inspirational. These cauliflower burgers caught my eye as ticked the healthy box and who doesn't love a burger?! Now, this post is in two parts as she recommended the Magic Green Sauce on top so I had to make this one too!

Yay or Nay: Nay 

With some adjustments this would have gotten a better review. I'm not going to lie, it is fairly labour intensive but once you have the routine down it will go faster I'm sure. The biggest issue was that it didn't quite bind and was generally sloppy. When you first get it in the pan to fry, it would fall apart and crumble but it would stay together when once you flipped it. I gave up making patties and put them in a muffin/cupcake pan and that worked much better. In terms of flavour; spicy, no but tasty, kind of in a cheesy bites kind of way.

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